
Etajima (江田島), also called Nōmi-jima, Nomijima, Nomi Island, or Etajima-Nōmijima (江田島・能美島) is an island in Hiroshima Bay located in southwestern Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. The mess with island name originates from the ancient (and possibly legendary) strait at now town Ōgaki-chō Hitonose (大柿町飛渡瀬).


Etajima (江田島), also called Nōmi-jima, Nomijima, Nomi Island, or Etajima-Nōmijima (江田島・能美島) is an island in Hiroshima Bay located in southwestern Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. The mess with island name originates from the ancient (and possibly legendary) strait at now town Ōgaki-chō Hitonose (大柿町飛渡瀬).