Ethnic clashes of Târgu Mureș

The ethnic clashes of Târgu Mureș (also called Black March, Hungarian: Fekete Március) refer to violent incidents against the Hungarian ethnic group in Târgu Mureș and surrounding settlements in Transylvania, Romania in March 1990. The clashes were the bloodiest inter-ethnic incidents of the post-communist era in Transylvania. Târgu Mureș (Hungarian: Marosvásárhely) is a Romanian town, which has been ethnically and historically Hungarian, with an ethnically mixed population that was almost equally distributed between Romanians and Hungarians after the fall of the communist regime in December 1989. It has been an important cultural and political center for the Hungarian minority in Transylvania.

Ethnic clashes of Târgu Mureș

The ethnic clashes of Târgu Mureș (also called Black March, Hungarian: Fekete Március) refer to violent incidents against the Hungarian ethnic group in Târgu Mureș and surrounding settlements in Transylvania, Romania in March 1990. The clashes were the bloodiest inter-ethnic incidents of the post-communist era in Transylvania. Târgu Mureș (Hungarian: Marosvásárhely) is a Romanian town, which has been ethnically and historically Hungarian, with an ethnically mixed population that was almost equally distributed between Romanians and Hungarians after the fall of the communist regime in December 1989. It has been an important cultural and political center for the Hungarian minority in Transylvania.