Eugène Daniel von Rothschild

Baron Eugène Daniel von Rothschild (6 March 1884 – 25 April 1976) or simply Eugène von Rothschild was a member of the notable Rothschild family. He was part of the 5th generation of Rothschild (measured from Mayer Amschel) his parents were Salomon and Bettina Rothschild. Descended from particularly the Austrian branch of the family.

Eugène Daniel von Rothschild

Baron Eugène Daniel von Rothschild (6 March 1884 – 25 April 1976) or simply Eugène von Rothschild was a member of the notable Rothschild family. He was part of the 5th generation of Rothschild (measured from Mayer Amschel) his parents were Salomon and Bettina Rothschild. Descended from particularly the Austrian branch of the family.