Euro-Atlantic Center

The Euro-Atlantic Center (EAC) is an independent Slovak non-governmental organization uniting young professionals and students active in the field of international relations, Slovak foreign policy and security. The EAC was founded in 1999 by a group of students from Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. The headquarters of the organization is located at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. Since 2008, the EAC is also active at the University of Economics in Bratislava, where the regional bureau is located.

Euro-Atlantic Center

The Euro-Atlantic Center (EAC) is an independent Slovak non-governmental organization uniting young professionals and students active in the field of international relations, Slovak foreign policy and security. The EAC was founded in 1999 by a group of students from Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. The headquarters of the organization is located at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. Since 2008, the EAC is also active at the University of Economics in Bratislava, where the regional bureau is located.