Europe After the Rain

"Europe After The Rain" is the title of a John Foxx song, released as a single in August 1981, and included on The Garden album released later the same year. The song signalled a departure from Foxx's previous solo work which had focused on a sparse electronic sound whereas Europe After The Rain features a warmer sound, using acoustic and electric guitars, acoustic piano and live drums to produce the music. The bass and string sounds were however produced by a synthesiser. Foxx has several times stated that this change in musical direction was caused by a visit to Italy after the Metamatic period, where he worked with director Michaelangelo Antonioni for the soundtrack of his film Identification of a Woman.

Europe After the Rain

"Europe After The Rain" is the title of a John Foxx song, released as a single in August 1981, and included on The Garden album released later the same year. The song signalled a departure from Foxx's previous solo work which had focused on a sparse electronic sound whereas Europe After The Rain features a warmer sound, using acoustic and electric guitars, acoustic piano and live drums to produce the music. The bass and string sounds were however produced by a synthesiser. Foxx has several times stated that this change in musical direction was caused by a visit to Italy after the Metamatic period, where he worked with director Michaelangelo Antonioni for the soundtrack of his film Identification of a Woman.