European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center

The European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (ESISC) is a self-described think tank and lobbying group dealing with issues related to terrorism and security. ESISC notes on its website that its "lobbying operations can defend an industrial portfolio, the eonomic opening of a new market, or the political interests of a state." It is operated by Claude Moniquet, a French right-wing journalist, who is known for his connections with Azerbaijani caviar diplomacy and receiving financial means to promote Azerbaijani interests.

European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center

The European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (ESISC) is a self-described think tank and lobbying group dealing with issues related to terrorism and security. ESISC notes on its website that its "lobbying operations can defend an industrial portfolio, the eonomic opening of a new market, or the political interests of a state." It is operated by Claude Moniquet, a French right-wing journalist, who is known for his connections with Azerbaijani caviar diplomacy and receiving financial means to promote Azerbaijani interests.