Eva Feldman

Eva Lucille Feldman, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.N., F.A.N.A. is an American physician and the Russell N. DeJong Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan. She is the Director of the NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies and Director of the University of Michigan ALS Center of Excellence, which includes the Pranger ALS Clinic.

Eva Feldman

Eva Lucille Feldman, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.N., F.A.N.A. is an American physician and the Russell N. DeJong Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan. She is the Director of the NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies and Director of the University of Michigan ALS Center of Excellence, which includes the Pranger ALS Clinic.