
The Evryscopes are a set of rapid-cadence, gigapixel-scale telescopes. Each instrument contains an array of up to 24 camera units, each consisting of a 6.1 cm (2.4 in) telescope (85 mm Rokinon DSLR lens) paired to a thermoelectrically cooled astronomical CCD. The camera units are arranged around a solid fiberglass structure to form a continuous field of view of 9216 sq. deg. Evryscope-South is funded by NSF/ATI and NSF/CAREER and was designed and built at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Evryscope-North is funded in collaboration with San Diego State University.


The Evryscopes are a set of rapid-cadence, gigapixel-scale telescopes. Each instrument contains an array of up to 24 camera units, each consisting of a 6.1 cm (2.4 in) telescope (85 mm Rokinon DSLR lens) paired to a thermoelectrically cooled astronomical CCD. The camera units are arranged around a solid fiberglass structure to form a continuous field of view of 9216 sq. deg. Evryscope-South is funded by NSF/ATI and NSF/CAREER and was designed and built at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Evryscope-North is funded in collaboration with San Diego State University.