External independent evaluation

External independent evaluation or External independent testing (EIT, external testing, ET) are examinations for admission to universities in Ukraine.Complex organizational procedures (first - testing) aims to determine the level of academic performance of secondary schools during their admission to higher education.The purpose of external evaluation: improving public education and implementation of Ukraine's constitutional rights to equal access to quality education, monitoring of compliance with the State Standard of secondary education and the analysis of the education system, predict its development.The results of external testing results are counted as a state of final attestation and the results of entrance examinations to higher educational institutions.Since 2004, with the support

External independent evaluation

External independent evaluation or External independent testing (EIT, external testing, ET) are examinations for admission to universities in Ukraine.Complex organizational procedures (first - testing) aims to determine the level of academic performance of secondary schools during their admission to higher education.The purpose of external evaluation: improving public education and implementation of Ukraine's constitutional rights to equal access to quality education, monitoring of compliance with the State Standard of secondary education and the analysis of the education system, predict its development.The results of external testing results are counted as a state of final attestation and the results of entrance examinations to higher educational institutions.Since 2004, with the support