Face to Face Bulgaria

Face to Face Bulgaria was founded by former Miss Bulgaria Universe winner Magdalina Valchanova in 2002. While technically separate from Face to Face International, which was founded by the United Nations, it remains in close contact. Face to Face Bulgaria's primary mission is to prevent cases of forced prostitution and human trafficking in Bulgaria. Their prime means of success is educating young girls, especially those who are particularly vulnerable to predatory pimps, such as orphans and other girls without marketable skills.

Face to Face Bulgaria

Face to Face Bulgaria was founded by former Miss Bulgaria Universe winner Magdalina Valchanova in 2002. While technically separate from Face to Face International, which was founded by the United Nations, it remains in close contact. Face to Face Bulgaria's primary mission is to prevent cases of forced prostitution and human trafficking in Bulgaria. Their prime means of success is educating young girls, especially those who are particularly vulnerable to predatory pimps, such as orphans and other girls without marketable skills.