Fachrul Razi

Fachrul Razi (born 26 July 1947) is an Indonesian politician and retired army officer who serves as Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs since 23 October 2019. He is only the third person of military background to occupy the office, the first since Navy retiree Tarmizi Taher (1993–1998), and the first Army general to do so since Alamsyah Ratu Perwiranegara (1978–1983). As Tarmizi was a 2-star admiral and Alamsyah was a 3-star general, Fachrul – a 4-star general – is the highest-ranked military officer to have ever held this ministerial office.

Fachrul Razi

Fachrul Razi (born 26 July 1947) is an Indonesian politician and retired army officer who serves as Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs since 23 October 2019. He is only the third person of military background to occupy the office, the first since Navy retiree Tarmizi Taher (1993–1998), and the first Army general to do so since Alamsyah Ratu Perwiranegara (1978–1983). As Tarmizi was a 2-star admiral and Alamsyah was a 3-star general, Fachrul – a 4-star general – is the highest-ranked military officer to have ever held this ministerial office.