Fame: an art project

Fame: an art project is a combined book and series of 100 paintings which were created by British artist Robert Priseman between 2012 and 2013. The paintings first went on public display at Art Exchange, UK in November 2013. WhiteBox AC New York City, in a show curated by Tony Guerrero in January 2014. and in ‘Re-cyling Religion’ at the Dukely Center, Miami in 2016.

Fame: an art project

Fame: an art project is a combined book and series of 100 paintings which were created by British artist Robert Priseman between 2012 and 2013. The paintings first went on public display at Art Exchange, UK in November 2013. WhiteBox AC New York City, in a show curated by Tony Guerrero in January 2014. and in ‘Re-cyling Religion’ at the Dukely Center, Miami in 2016.