
FanCentro is a subscription-based website platform created in 2017 that allows adult film performers and other influencers sell access to their private social media accounts. Due to rampant deplatforming and shadow banning of sex-related content on social media sites, the platform began allowing fans to subscribe to content feeds directly on the site. The rise of premium social networks such as FanCentro, OnlyFans and is a significant shift in the structure of the porn industry, as performers can own and continue to profit from their work and better control working conditions.


FanCentro is a subscription-based website platform created in 2017 that allows adult film performers and other influencers sell access to their private social media accounts. Due to rampant deplatforming and shadow banning of sex-related content on social media sites, the platform began allowing fans to subscribe to content feeds directly on the site. The rise of premium social networks such as FanCentro, OnlyFans and is a significant shift in the structure of the porn industry, as performers can own and continue to profit from their work and better control working conditions.