Fano surface

In algebraic geometry, a Fano surface is a surface of general type (in particular, not a Fano variety) whose points index the lines on a non-singular cubic threefold. They were first studied by Fano . Hodge diamond: Fano surfaces are perhaps the simplest and most studied examples of irregular surfaces of general type that are not related to a product of two curves and are not a complete intersection of divisors in an Abelian variety. Tangent bundle Theorem (Fano, Clemens-Griffiths, Tyurin): The tangent bundle of S is isomorphic to U.

Fano surface

In algebraic geometry, a Fano surface is a surface of general type (in particular, not a Fano variety) whose points index the lines on a non-singular cubic threefold. They were first studied by Fano . Hodge diamond: Fano surfaces are perhaps the simplest and most studied examples of irregular surfaces of general type that are not related to a product of two curves and are not a complete intersection of divisors in an Abelian variety. Tangent bundle Theorem (Fano, Clemens-Griffiths, Tyurin): The tangent bundle of S is isomorphic to U.