Fantasy literature

Fantasy literature is literature set in an imaginary universe, often but not always without any locations, events, or people from the real world. Magic, the supernatural and magical creatures are common in many of these imaginary worlds. Fantasy literature may be directed at both children and adults. A large number of fantasy novels originally written for children and adolescents, such as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit also attract an adult audience.

Fantasy literature

Fantasy literature is literature set in an imaginary universe, often but not always without any locations, events, or people from the real world. Magic, the supernatural and magical creatures are common in many of these imaginary worlds. Fantasy literature may be directed at both children and adults. A large number of fantasy novels originally written for children and adolescents, such as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit also attract an adult audience.