FedEx furniture

FedEx furniture is the artistic creation of computer programmer and creative consumer Jose Avila, III. In June, 2005, Avila created a website,, to display photographs of a couch, bed, dining room table, and desk that he had constructed out of cartons obtained from overnight shipping giant FedEx Corporation (FedEx). FedEx attorneys used the takedown provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to force Avila's ISP to take the site offline, accusing Avila of infringing on FedEx's copyrights and trademarks, breaching his contract with FedEx by using the cartons for purposes other than shipping, and potentially misleading consumers into believing that FedEx approved or endorsed Avila's actions. Among attorneys and activist organizations concerned with the exerci

FedEx furniture

FedEx furniture is the artistic creation of computer programmer and creative consumer Jose Avila, III. In June, 2005, Avila created a website,, to display photographs of a couch, bed, dining room table, and desk that he had constructed out of cartons obtained from overnight shipping giant FedEx Corporation (FedEx). FedEx attorneys used the takedown provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to force Avila's ISP to take the site offline, accusing Avila of infringing on FedEx's copyrights and trademarks, breaching his contract with FedEx by using the cartons for purposes other than shipping, and potentially misleading consumers into believing that FedEx approved or endorsed Avila's actions. Among attorneys and activist organizations concerned with the exerci