Federación de Mocedades Galeguistas

The Federación de Mocedades Galeguistas (FMG, Galicianist Youth Federation or Galician Nationalist Youth Federation in English language) was the youth organization of the Partido Galeguista, which was formed in January 1934, bringing together the different local nationalist youth organizations that had been formed since 1932. It had around 1,000 members, its official organ was the Guieiro (Guide in English language), and their leaders were , Celso Emilio Ferreiro, and Ramón Piñeiro López.

Federación de Mocedades Galeguistas

The Federación de Mocedades Galeguistas (FMG, Galicianist Youth Federation or Galician Nationalist Youth Federation in English language) was the youth organization of the Partido Galeguista, which was formed in January 1934, bringing together the different local nationalist youth organizations that had been formed since 1932. It had around 1,000 members, its official organ was the Guieiro (Guide in English language), and their leaders were , Celso Emilio Ferreiro, and Ramón Piñeiro López.