Ferrovie del Sud Est

Ferrovie del Sud Est (FSE) is a railway company in Apulia region, Italy. The company operates in the comuni south of Lecce and in the provinces of Bari, Brindisi and Taranto. The company also operates bus lines. In August 2016 its network was taken over by Ferrovie dello stato due to financial problems at the company. The company is now wholly owned by the Italian Transport Ministry.

Ferrovie del Sud Est

Ferrovie del Sud Est (FSE) is a railway company in Apulia region, Italy. The company operates in the comuni south of Lecce and in the provinces of Bari, Brindisi and Taranto. The company also operates bus lines. In August 2016 its network was taken over by Ferrovie dello stato due to financial problems at the company. The company is now wholly owned by the Italian Transport Ministry.