Festuca gigantea

Festuca gigantea, or giant fescue, is a plant species in the grass family, Poaceae. Because this and other members of Festuca subgenus Schedonorus have more in common morphologically with members of the genus Lolium than with Festuca and often produce fertile hybrids with other Lolium species, Festuca gigantea has been recently published as Lolium giganteum (L.) Darbysh. (1993) and then as Schedonorus giganteus (L.) Holub (1998). Sources vary as to which placement is more acceptable.

Festuca gigantea

Festuca gigantea, or giant fescue, is a plant species in the grass family, Poaceae. Because this and other members of Festuca subgenus Schedonorus have more in common morphologically with members of the genus Lolium than with Festuca and often produce fertile hybrids with other Lolium species, Festuca gigantea has been recently published as Lolium giganteum (L.) Darbysh. (1993) and then as Schedonorus giganteus (L.) Holub (1998). Sources vary as to which placement is more acceptable.