Fights on the Ukrainian–Russian border (2014)

Fights on the Ukrainian–Russian border in 2014, also famous as "Operation to restore the state border", "Battle at the border", "Battle in sector" D "", (in Russian-language sources often – "Izvarinsky Encirclement", "Dovzhansky Encirclement") – an episode of the war in eastern Ukraine, the battle of anti-terrorist operation forces against illegal armed groups supported by Russian artillery in the border areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions during summer campaign in Donbass. Fighting broke out in of the anti-terrorist operation during the "operation to restore the state border" during June–August 2014. The main task of the Anti-Terrorist Operation Forces was to restore control over the section of the state border Izvaryne – Kumachovo and to cut the routes for illegal armed groups.

Fights on the Ukrainian–Russian border (2014)

Fights on the Ukrainian–Russian border in 2014, also famous as "Operation to restore the state border", "Battle at the border", "Battle in sector" D "", (in Russian-language sources often – "Izvarinsky Encirclement", "Dovzhansky Encirclement") – an episode of the war in eastern Ukraine, the battle of anti-terrorist operation forces against illegal armed groups supported by Russian artillery in the border areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions during summer campaign in Donbass. Fighting broke out in of the anti-terrorist operation during the "operation to restore the state border" during June–August 2014. The main task of the Anti-Terrorist Operation Forces was to restore control over the section of the state border Izvaryne – Kumachovo and to cut the routes for illegal armed groups.