Finding Sofia

Finding Sofía is a 2016 comedy film written and directed by Nico Casavecchia. The film is Casavecchia's first feature film and was produced by 1stAveMachine. It premiered in 2016 on the Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema and was included in the festival's Argentine official competition. The picture features Sam Huntington, , Rafael Spregelburd and Sofía Brihet.

Finding Sofia

Finding Sofía is a 2016 comedy film written and directed by Nico Casavecchia. The film is Casavecchia's first feature film and was produced by 1stAveMachine. It premiered in 2016 on the Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema and was included in the festival's Argentine official competition. The picture features Sam Huntington, , Rafael Spregelburd and Sofía Brihet.