Finnboga saga ramma

Finnboga saga ramma (The Saga of Finnbogi the Strong) is an Icelandic saga that recounts the life of Finnbogi rammi. The story takes place in Flateyjardalur in Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla and in other places in Iceland, as well as in Norway. The events supposedly took place in the 10th century. Finnbogi rammi is mentioned in Landnámabók, and Íslendingadrápa. The saga was likely composed in the fourteenth century, making is one of the younger, "postclassical" sagas". Margrét Eggertsdóttir summaries the saga thus:

Finnboga saga ramma

Finnboga saga ramma (The Saga of Finnbogi the Strong) is an Icelandic saga that recounts the life of Finnbogi rammi. The story takes place in Flateyjardalur in Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla and in other places in Iceland, as well as in Norway. The events supposedly took place in the 10th century. Finnbogi rammi is mentioned in Landnámabók, and Íslendingadrápa. The saga was likely composed in the fourteenth century, making is one of the younger, "postclassical" sagas". Margrét Eggertsdóttir summaries the saga thus: