Fire Me...Please

Fire Me...Please is an hour-long hidden camera reality series which aired on CBS in summer 2005. It was based on a BBC series called The Sack Race. Two contestants each reported to a new job at separate locations and figure out how to get fired as close to 3:00 p.m. as possible (the store owners are in on the gag, but the managers are not). When both contestants are fired, they report back to host Dave Holmes, and whoever was fired at the right time wins $25,000. The show's on-air title was Fire Me Please! but CBS insisted the official title was Fire Me...Please.

Fire Me...Please

Fire Me...Please is an hour-long hidden camera reality series which aired on CBS in summer 2005. It was based on a BBC series called The Sack Race. Two contestants each reported to a new job at separate locations and figure out how to get fired as close to 3:00 p.m. as possible (the store owners are in on the gag, but the managers are not). When both contestants are fired, they report back to host Dave Holmes, and whoever was fired at the right time wins $25,000. The show's on-air title was Fire Me Please! but CBS insisted the official title was Fire Me...Please.