First Soviet-American Conference on Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

First Soviet-American Conference on Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence was a conference held on September 5–11, 1971, at the Byurakan Observatory, USSR. The conference was jointly organized by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (with assistance from the U.S. National Science Foundation) and the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. Organizing committee: Carl Sagan, Frank Drake, Philip Morrison, Nikolai Kardashev, Victor Ambartsumian, Iosif Shklovsky, Vsevolod Troitsky. As a result of the conference, the following research directions were formulated:

First Soviet-American Conference on Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

First Soviet-American Conference on Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence was a conference held on September 5–11, 1971, at the Byurakan Observatory, USSR. The conference was jointly organized by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (with assistance from the U.S. National Science Foundation) and the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. Organizing committee: Carl Sagan, Frank Drake, Philip Morrison, Nikolai Kardashev, Victor Ambartsumian, Iosif Shklovsky, Vsevolod Troitsky. As a result of the conference, the following research directions were formulated: