
A firzogerin, (Yiddish: פירזאָגערן‎, lit. 'fore-sayer' or 'front-sayer'; Hebrew: רבנית הדרשנית‎, romanized: rabbanit ha-darshanit), alternately vorsangerin, foreleiner, zugerin, or zugerke, was a historic role in the synagogue for a learned Jewish woman leading women in prayer from the weibershul (women's gallery or annex) as a precentress, parallel to the main service led by a male chazzan.


A firzogerin, (Yiddish: פירזאָגערן‎, lit. 'fore-sayer' or 'front-sayer'; Hebrew: רבנית הדרשנית‎, romanized: rabbanit ha-darshanit), alternately vorsangerin, foreleiner, zugerin, or zugerke, was a historic role in the synagogue for a learned Jewish woman leading women in prayer from the weibershul (women's gallery or annex) as a precentress, parallel to the main service led by a male chazzan.