Flag of Hazarajat

The Flag of Hazaristan (Persian/ Hazaragi : پرچم هزارستان) includes three colors: yellow, white and blue. It was originally presented on the cover of the anthology Poems for the Hazara. Hazaristan is a modern incarnation of Hazarajat, a mountainous region in central Afghanistan, in the Hindu Kush mountain range. Hazaristan is not an independent country, but has been home to the Hazara people since antiquity, first referenced by extant literature in Baburnama, the Chagatai Turkic-language memoirs of Mughal Emperor Babur.

Flag of Hazarajat

The Flag of Hazaristan (Persian/ Hazaragi : پرچم هزارستان) includes three colors: yellow, white and blue. It was originally presented on the cover of the anthology Poems for the Hazara. Hazaristan is a modern incarnation of Hazarajat, a mountainous region in central Afghanistan, in the Hindu Kush mountain range. Hazaristan is not an independent country, but has been home to the Hazara people since antiquity, first referenced by extant literature in Baburnama, the Chagatai Turkic-language memoirs of Mughal Emperor Babur.