
FlexBook is a textbook authoring platform developed by the CK-12 Foundation. Launched in 2008, FlexBooks reduced the cost of textbooks for the K-12 market both in U.S and worldwide. Derived from the words "flexibility" and "textbook," a FlexBook allows users to produce and customize content by re-purposing educational content using different modules. FlexBooks can be designed to suit a learner’s learning style, region, language, or level of skill, while adhering to the local education standards.


FlexBook is a textbook authoring platform developed by the CK-12 Foundation. Launched in 2008, FlexBooks reduced the cost of textbooks for the K-12 market both in U.S and worldwide. Derived from the words "flexibility" and "textbook," a FlexBook allows users to produce and customize content by re-purposing educational content using different modules. FlexBooks can be designed to suit a learner’s learning style, region, language, or level of skill, while adhering to the local education standards.