Flinders Chase, South Australia

Flinders Chase is a locality in the Australian state of South Australia located on the south-western coast of Kangaroo Island overlooking the body of water known in Australia as the Southern Ocean and by international authorities as the Great Australian Bight. It is located about 210 kilometres (130 miles) south-west of the state capital of Adelaide. The locality includes the five following state heritage places - being the burial place of a passenger who survived the loss of the barque, Loch Sloy in 1899 but died after reaching land, the , the Cape du Couedic Lighthouse, the , and the .

Flinders Chase, South Australia

Flinders Chase is a locality in the Australian state of South Australia located on the south-western coast of Kangaroo Island overlooking the body of water known in Australia as the Southern Ocean and by international authorities as the Great Australian Bight. It is located about 210 kilometres (130 miles) south-west of the state capital of Adelaide. The locality includes the five following state heritage places - being the burial place of a passenger who survived the loss of the barque, Loch Sloy in 1899 but died after reaching land, the , the Cape du Couedic Lighthouse, the , and the .