Floscularia ringens

Floscularia ringens is a species of rotifer belonging to the subclass Monogononta, which resides in a tube that it builds using many little circular pellets consisting of bacteria and small pieces of detritus. The name Floscularia was inspired by the flower-like shape of the organism. Floscularia ringens grows to around 1.5 millimeters long and resides in freshwater locations, where it makes its small tube by connecting to the bottom of the leaves of water lilies. It retreats into its tube when it is bothered.

Floscularia ringens

Floscularia ringens is a species of rotifer belonging to the subclass Monogononta, which resides in a tube that it builds using many little circular pellets consisting of bacteria and small pieces of detritus. The name Floscularia was inspired by the flower-like shape of the organism. Floscularia ringens grows to around 1.5 millimeters long and resides in freshwater locations, where it makes its small tube by connecting to the bottom of the leaves of water lilies. It retreats into its tube when it is bothered.