Fontana Distribution

Fontana Distribution is a division of San Francisco-based Isolation Network (now owned by Universal Music Group since 2019). A minority stake of the company was owned by Universal Music until INgrooves acquired Fontana Distribution from UMG in 2012 to form INgrooves Fontana. In 2019, Universal Music Group acquired Fontana's owner, INgrooves, returning Fontana back to UMG. British Independent Label Feel Savage Music is also owned by Fontana’s Owner INgrooves with Universal Music Group Distributor Spinnup

Fontana Distribution

Fontana Distribution is a division of San Francisco-based Isolation Network (now owned by Universal Music Group since 2019). A minority stake of the company was owned by Universal Music until INgrooves acquired Fontana Distribution from UMG in 2012 to form INgrooves Fontana. In 2019, Universal Music Group acquired Fontana's owner, INgrooves, returning Fontana back to UMG. British Independent Label Feel Savage Music is also owned by Fontana’s Owner INgrooves with Universal Music Group Distributor Spinnup