Formation finish

A formation finish in a motor race is when multiple vehicles of the same team cross the finish line in formation, usually side-by-side. Typically it happens when a team's car are running in the top positions at the end of the race with a clear advantage over their competitors. Team directors often orchestrate formation finishes to demonstrate their superiority. A formation finish should not be confused with a "1–2 finish"; not all formation finishes occur as a result of a team's cars finishing first and second in a race, and not all 1–2 finishes are completed in formation.

Formation finish

A formation finish in a motor race is when multiple vehicles of the same team cross the finish line in formation, usually side-by-side. Typically it happens when a team's car are running in the top positions at the end of the race with a clear advantage over their competitors. Team directors often orchestrate formation finishes to demonstrate their superiority. A formation finish should not be confused with a "1–2 finish"; not all formation finishes occur as a result of a team's cars finishing first and second in a race, and not all 1–2 finishes are completed in formation.