Forum Betawi Rempug

The Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR) is a Betawi mass organization (ormas) based in Jakarta. The group was established on July 29, 2001, by two Betawi kyais Fadloli El Muhir and Lutfi Hakim. The FBR aims to champion the political rights of the Betawi people, an indigenous but marginalized ethnic group based in Jakarta. Today, the FBR has set up over 300 branches in the Jakarta metropolitan area (Jabodetabek) with each at least 100 active memberships.

Forum Betawi Rempug

The Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR) is a Betawi mass organization (ormas) based in Jakarta. The group was established on July 29, 2001, by two Betawi kyais Fadloli El Muhir and Lutfi Hakim. The FBR aims to champion the political rights of the Betawi people, an indigenous but marginalized ethnic group based in Jakarta. Today, the FBR has set up over 300 branches in the Jakarta metropolitan area (Jabodetabek) with each at least 100 active memberships.