Foundation for Development of Ukraine

The Foundation for Development of Ukraine is a non-profit organization, established July 15, 2005 by Rinat Lyeonidovich Akhmetov, a Ukrainian businessman. Mission of the Foundation: "Work for people by eliminating the causes of burning social problems; implementing the best practices of Ukraine and other countries, developing unique system solutions; obtaining the optimal result with every project and action". Foundation has two offices functioning in Kiev and Donetsk, Ukraine.

Foundation for Development of Ukraine

The Foundation for Development of Ukraine is a non-profit organization, established July 15, 2005 by Rinat Lyeonidovich Akhmetov, a Ukrainian businessman. Mission of the Foundation: "Work for people by eliminating the causes of burning social problems; implementing the best practices of Ukraine and other countries, developing unique system solutions; obtaining the optimal result with every project and action". Foundation has two offices functioning in Kiev and Donetsk, Ukraine.