Francesco Pionati

Francesco Pionati (born 15 July 1958 in Avellino), is an Italian politician and journalist. Son of , former Mayor of Avellino, he went into the RAI television on direct reporting by Ciriaco De Mita and he started working on TG1. In 1987 he worked as parliamentary journalist and in the 2000s, under the direction of , He became vice-director of TG1. He was candidate in the 2013 regional election in Lazio into the Storace List, but he wasn't elected.

Francesco Pionati

Francesco Pionati (born 15 July 1958 in Avellino), is an Italian politician and journalist. Son of , former Mayor of Avellino, he went into the RAI television on direct reporting by Ciriaco De Mita and he started working on TG1. In 1987 he worked as parliamentary journalist and in the 2000s, under the direction of , He became vice-director of TG1. He was candidate in the 2013 regional election in Lazio into the Storace List, but he wasn't elected.