Frank Buffalo Hyde

Frank Buffalo Hyde (born 1974) is an Onondaga and Nez Perce artist that grew up in New York on his mother's Onondaga reservation. He began exhibiting his artwork at 18 years old as a hobby. He began taking his artwork career more seriously when he attended the Institute of American Indian Arts. His artwork has been described as humorous and featuring vibrant colors and unusual subjects, most commonly buffaloes and hamburgers.

Frank Buffalo Hyde

Frank Buffalo Hyde (born 1974) is an Onondaga and Nez Perce artist that grew up in New York on his mother's Onondaga reservation. He began exhibiting his artwork at 18 years old as a hobby. He began taking his artwork career more seriously when he attended the Institute of American Indian Arts. His artwork has been described as humorous and featuring vibrant colors and unusual subjects, most commonly buffaloes and hamburgers.