Freddy and the Dragon

Freddy and the Dragon (1958) is the 26th and last book in the humorous children's series Freddy the Pig written by American author Walter R. Brooks and illustrated by Kurt Wiese. Freddy's attempts to catch the gang extorting money from Centerboro's city folk are hindered by a headless horseman. The dragon created as a circus attraction becomes a tool in fighting crime. The Bean animals settle accounts with the gang and with a long-standing foe.

Freddy and the Dragon

Freddy and the Dragon (1958) is the 26th and last book in the humorous children's series Freddy the Pig written by American author Walter R. Brooks and illustrated by Kurt Wiese. Freddy's attempts to catch the gang extorting money from Centerboro's city folk are hindered by a headless horseman. The dragon created as a circus attraction becomes a tool in fighting crime. The Bean animals settle accounts with the gang and with a long-standing foe.