FreeThe20 campaign

FreeThe20 is a campaign to call attention to women who are political prisoners around the world. The campaign names twenty women who are imprisoned unjustly.Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, started the campaign for the twentieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration. The reason for the campaign was to tell governments to stop putting women in prison, and to tell the women and their families that they are not alone. There were twenty names of women in twenty days, one for every year since the Beijing Declaration.

FreeThe20 campaign

FreeThe20 is a campaign to call attention to women who are political prisoners around the world. The campaign names twenty women who are imprisoned unjustly.Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, started the campaign for the twentieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration. The reason for the campaign was to tell governments to stop putting women in prison, and to tell the women and their families that they are not alone. There were twenty names of women in twenty days, one for every year since the Beijing Declaration.