Free The Bid

Free The Bid is a 501c3 non-profit initiative advocating on behalf of women directors for equal opportunities to bid on commercial jobs in the global advertising industry. Free The Bid’s pledge calls for ad agencies and brands to include at least one woman director every time they triple-bid a commercial production. The program also urges production companies to add more women to their rosters. Pledged agencies, brands and production companies further pledge to free the bid by seeking intersectional, diverse perspectives whenever possible.

Free The Bid

Free The Bid is a 501c3 non-profit initiative advocating on behalf of women directors for equal opportunities to bid on commercial jobs in the global advertising industry. Free The Bid’s pledge calls for ad agencies and brands to include at least one woman director every time they triple-bid a commercial production. The program also urges production companies to add more women to their rosters. Pledged agencies, brands and production companies further pledge to free the bid by seeking intersectional, diverse perspectives whenever possible.