French brig Sphinx (1813)

Sphinx (or Sphynx), was a French Sylphe-class brig launched at Genoa in 1813. She was handed over to naval suppliers at Genoa on 17 April 1814 when nearly completed as part-payment for debts. The next day the British occupied Genoa. Sphinx appears to have become the Royal Navy brig Regent, and then a Customs and Excise cruizer. Regent was sold in 1824, and then appeared as the Colombian government vessel Victoria, which is no longer traceable in online resources after 1828.

French brig Sphinx (1813)

Sphinx (or Sphynx), was a French Sylphe-class brig launched at Genoa in 1813. She was handed over to naval suppliers at Genoa on 17 April 1814 when nearly completed as part-payment for debts. The next day the British occupied Genoa. Sphinx appears to have become the Royal Navy brig Regent, and then a Customs and Excise cruizer. Regent was sold in 1824, and then appeared as the Colombian government vessel Victoria, which is no longer traceable in online resources after 1828.