French ship Scipion (1779)

Scipion was a French warship of the 18th century, lead ship of her class. It was completed in 1779. Accounts cited that it was one of the three new naval vessels - along with Hercule (1798) and Pluton (1778) - built by the French that was so top-heavy, they nearly capsized. To correct Scipion's problem, a stowage was altered and a ballast replaced a part of the water supply. These remedies, however, failed so the French had to shorten the mast to make it seaworthy.

French ship Scipion (1779)

Scipion was a French warship of the 18th century, lead ship of her class. It was completed in 1779. Accounts cited that it was one of the three new naval vessels - along with Hercule (1798) and Pluton (1778) - built by the French that was so top-heavy, they nearly capsized. To correct Scipion's problem, a stowage was altered and a ballast replaced a part of the water supply. These remedies, however, failed so the French had to shorten the mast to make it seaworthy.