Fuck Christmas, I Got the Blues

Fuck Christmas, I Got The Blues is the second studio album by the artist The Legendary Tigerman, released in 2003. Recorded at AMPstudio, Viana do Castelo, Portugal. Recorded, Mixed, Produced and Mastered by Paulo Miranda. There's also a Master for vinyl LP release that never happened.Recording was done with a Studiomaster 12-2 analog console and into a Tascam ATR 60-16 1 inch, 16 track, reel-to-reel recorder. All microphones used in the recording were dynamic mics. Amplifiers used were a Vox AC30 and a Fender Bassman, both vintage, early releases. All backing vocals are by Ana Figueiras.

Fuck Christmas, I Got the Blues

Fuck Christmas, I Got The Blues is the second studio album by the artist The Legendary Tigerman, released in 2003. Recorded at AMPstudio, Viana do Castelo, Portugal. Recorded, Mixed, Produced and Mastered by Paulo Miranda. There's also a Master for vinyl LP release that never happened.Recording was done with a Studiomaster 12-2 analog console and into a Tascam ATR 60-16 1 inch, 16 track, reel-to-reel recorder. All microphones used in the recording were dynamic mics. Amplifiers used were a Vox AC30 and a Fender Bassman, both vintage, early releases. All backing vocals are by Ana Figueiras.