Fugitive peasants

Fugitive peasants (also runaway peasants, or flight of peasants) are peasants who left their land without permission, violating serfdom laws. Under serfdom, peasants usually required permission to leave the land they lived on. In Eastern Europe, the lands of the Cossacks were seen during the Early Modern Period as a refuge for many runaway serfs. That is reflected in a folk Russian saying "С Дону выдачи нет!" ("There is no extradition from the Don!"), in reference to Don Cossacks.

Fugitive peasants

Fugitive peasants (also runaway peasants, or flight of peasants) are peasants who left their land without permission, violating serfdom laws. Under serfdom, peasants usually required permission to leave the land they lived on. In Eastern Europe, the lands of the Cossacks were seen during the Early Modern Period as a refuge for many runaway serfs. That is reflected in a folk Russian saying "С Дону выдачи нет!" ("There is no extradition from the Don!"), in reference to Don Cossacks.