Funerary naiskos of Aristonautes

The Funerary naiskos of Aristonautes is a funerary monument dating to around 320 BC, on display in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (NAMA) with the inventory number 738. The funerary monument takes the form of a naiskos with a statue inside it and stood near the Dipylon Gate in the Kerameikos, the cemetery of ancient Athens. It was made from Pentelic marble and had a total height of 2.48 m - the statue had a height of 1.55 m. The larger part of the relief survives, though part of the back, the right pilaster, the left foot and part of the base it stood on as well as the majority of the right leg from the upper ankle to the middle of the foot are reconstructions. Both forearms are largely missing, including the hands.

Funerary naiskos of Aristonautes

The Funerary naiskos of Aristonautes is a funerary monument dating to around 320 BC, on display in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (NAMA) with the inventory number 738. The funerary monument takes the form of a naiskos with a statue inside it and stood near the Dipylon Gate in the Kerameikos, the cemetery of ancient Athens. It was made from Pentelic marble and had a total height of 2.48 m - the statue had a height of 1.55 m. The larger part of the relief survives, though part of the back, the right pilaster, the left foot and part of the base it stood on as well as the majority of the right leg from the upper ankle to the middle of the foot are reconstructions. Both forearms are largely missing, including the hands.