Gérald Poussin

Gérald Poussin (born 1946 in Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland) is a Swiss artist, illustrator, painter, sculptor, animator and comics artist. He was involved in the animated films Trou attention (1970), Colonel Zabu (1970), Alphon au pays des merveilles (1972), La Nuit des Ploucs (1977), and Téo Véra change de monde (1979). Two of his films were presented at the Cannes Film Festival in 1971; he then set himself up as a cartoonist in Paris, working for a number of newspapers, including Hara-Kiri, Zinc, Charlie Hebdos, L'Echo des Savannes, Le nouvel Observateur, and Libération.

Gérald Poussin

Gérald Poussin (born 1946 in Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland) is a Swiss artist, illustrator, painter, sculptor, animator and comics artist. He was involved in the animated films Trou attention (1970), Colonel Zabu (1970), Alphon au pays des merveilles (1972), La Nuit des Ploucs (1977), and Téo Véra change de monde (1979). Two of his films were presented at the Cannes Film Festival in 1971; he then set himself up as a cartoonist in Paris, working for a number of newspapers, including Hara-Kiri, Zinc, Charlie Hebdos, L'Echo des Savannes, Le nouvel Observateur, and Libération.