Gömör és Kishont County

Gömör-Kishont (Hungarian: Gömör és Kishont, Slovak: Gemer a Malohont, German: Gemer und Kleinhont) was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its capital was Rimaszombat (present-day Rimavská Sobota). Most of its territory is now part of Slovakia, while a smaller part belongs to Hungary.

Gömör és Kishont County

Gömör-Kishont (Hungarian: Gömör és Kishont, Slovak: Gemer a Malohont, German: Gemer und Kleinhont) was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its capital was Rimaszombat (present-day Rimavská Sobota). Most of its territory is now part of Slovakia, while a smaller part belongs to Hungary.