Görlitz Synagogue

The Görlitz Synagogue in Görlitz, Germany was built between 1909 and 1911 in the Art Nouveau style and was the main place of worship for the city's Jewish community. Despite an arson attack, the synagogue was one of the few synagogues in the area to survive Kristallnacht, sustaining minor damage. Damage could have been more, but was lessened because the firefighters ignored the orders to let the synagogue burn. With the city's Jewish population depleted, the unused synagogue became a ruin in the following decades. In 1991, an restoration project began which finished December 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the opening ceremony will be held in 2021.

Görlitz Synagogue

The Görlitz Synagogue in Görlitz, Germany was built between 1909 and 1911 in the Art Nouveau style and was the main place of worship for the city's Jewish community. Despite an arson attack, the synagogue was one of the few synagogues in the area to survive Kristallnacht, sustaining minor damage. Damage could have been more, but was lessened because the firefighters ignored the orders to let the synagogue burn. With the city's Jewish population depleted, the unused synagogue became a ruin in the following decades. In 1991, an restoration project began which finished December 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the opening ceremony will be held in 2021.