Głos wolny wolność ubezpieczający

Głos wolny wolność ubezpieczający (variously translated as A Free Voice Ensuring Freedom or The Free Voice Guaranteeing Freedom) is a Polish political treatise. It was written some time between 1733 and 1743, and published in 1743 in Nancy by former king of Poland Stanisław Leszczyński. While Leszczyński himself claimed authorship, some modern scientists believe it was rather ghost written by someone of his retinue, possibly . One of the most important political works of Enlightenment in Poland, it is possible that the French translation of the work, La Voie Libre, influenced Jean Jacques Rousseau.

Głos wolny wolność ubezpieczający

Głos wolny wolność ubezpieczający (variously translated as A Free Voice Ensuring Freedom or The Free Voice Guaranteeing Freedom) is a Polish political treatise. It was written some time between 1733 and 1743, and published in 1743 in Nancy by former king of Poland Stanisław Leszczyński. While Leszczyński himself claimed authorship, some modern scientists believe it was rather ghost written by someone of his retinue, possibly . One of the most important political works of Enlightenment in Poland, it is possible that the French translation of the work, La Voie Libre, influenced Jean Jacques Rousseau.