Game Design Workshop

Game Design Workshop, 3rd Edition: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games is a book on game design by Tracy Fullerton, originally published by CMP Books in 2004. It has been updated and released in two subsequent editions, the latest by AK Peters/CRC Press in 2014. Game Design Workshop is cited by numerous sources as one of the "must have" books for new game designers. It is in use in game design courses worldwide.

Game Design Workshop

Game Design Workshop, 3rd Edition: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games is a book on game design by Tracy Fullerton, originally published by CMP Books in 2004. It has been updated and released in two subsequent editions, the latest by AK Peters/CRC Press in 2014. Game Design Workshop is cited by numerous sources as one of the "must have" books for new game designers. It is in use in game design courses worldwide.