Game On (British TV series)

Game On is a British sitcom which ran for three series on BBC2 from 27 February 1995 to 6 February 1998. The central characters are three childhood friends from Herne Bay in Kent; laddish agoraphobe Matthew Malone (Ben Chaplin in the first series and Neil Stuke in the second and third), man-eater Amanda "Mandy" Wilkins (Samantha Janus) and wimpish Martin Henson (Matthew Cottle). In their twenties, the trio move into and share a flat in Battersea, south-west London, which Matthew bought with his inheritance, and the series follows their lives as flatmates.

Game On (British TV series)

Game On is a British sitcom which ran for three series on BBC2 from 27 February 1995 to 6 February 1998. The central characters are three childhood friends from Herne Bay in Kent; laddish agoraphobe Matthew Malone (Ben Chaplin in the first series and Neil Stuke in the second and third), man-eater Amanda "Mandy" Wilkins (Samantha Janus) and wimpish Martin Henson (Matthew Cottle). In their twenties, the trio move into and share a flat in Battersea, south-west London, which Matthew bought with his inheritance, and the series follows their lives as flatmates.