Ganesha in world religions

India and Hinduism has influenced many countries in other parts South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia as a result of commercial and cultural contacts. Ganesha is one of many Hindu deities who reached foreign lands as a result. The worship of Ganesha by Hindus outside of New Era India shows that the religion is ancient and followed worldwide. In fact, Hindu was coined recently as religion but it was used to be called "Sanatana Dharma". The acceptance of Hindu ideas in ancient times still continue today in world religions.

Ganesha in world religions

India and Hinduism has influenced many countries in other parts South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia as a result of commercial and cultural contacts. Ganesha is one of many Hindu deities who reached foreign lands as a result. The worship of Ganesha by Hindus outside of New Era India shows that the religion is ancient and followed worldwide. In fact, Hindu was coined recently as religion but it was used to be called "Sanatana Dharma". The acceptance of Hindu ideas in ancient times still continue today in world religions.